Khalifa Sall announces candidacy for the 2019 presidential election


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khalifa sall candidate

The deputy and mayor of Dakar announced Thursday, for the first time, his intention to compete in the Senegalese presidential election scheduled for February 2019.

For several months, Khalifa Sall's family had repeated him to the point: "He will be a candidate". But since his prison cell Rebeuss where he is incarcerated since March 2017, the deputy and mayor of Dakar had, so far, remained silent on his ambitions for the highest office. "Yes, I am a candidate for the presidential election of February 24, 2019," he finally said in a statement released Thursday, late afternoon. An announcement comes as his appeal trial continues for his alleged role in the case of the advance fund of the Municipality of Dakar.


The most famous prisoner in the country refers to "the numerous violations that have tainted the preliminary police investigation and the investigation". A judicial procedure carried out according to him "solely against and eagerly to hasten the trial and its outcome."

"I once again proclaim the truth to the Senegalese: I have never betrayed trust, he continues. The accusations that are made to me are ignominious, hypocritical, and infamous. Today, more than ever, I refute with force and conviction, each one of the latter pursuing the cowardly political design of impeding the freedom of suffrage.

Khalifa Sall was sentenced at first instance to five years in prison and a fine of € 7,620 during a trial called "political cabal" by his supporters. His appeal will continue in the absence of his lawyers, who announced their decision to boycott the courtroom.

Source: jeuneafrique

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