Khalifa Sall is pronounced this morning


The two municipal tax collectors Mamadou Omar Bocoum and Ibrahima Traoré heard yesterday charged the mayor of Dakar. To believe them, the latter cashed 30 million instead of the manager of the fund, Mbaye Toure.

"I handed the 30 million CFA francs to the manager of the Mbaye Touré credit union. He was the only one entitled to receive this amount. I must also say that these funds lodged at the cash in advance were not political funds, "said Mamadou Omar Bocoum.

On the question of knowing he knew that the vouchers were false, he replied: "I did not know that the vouchers that were produced at the time of the payments were false. When I paid the 30 million CFA francs, there was nothing to let me know that the coins were wrong. It was during the trial at first instance that I knew that the invoices were false ".

Heard at the same time, Ibrahima Toure informed that he is a treasure inspector and the facts that concern him began from July 22, 2015. "My role was to collect resources on behalf of the city of Dakar and proceed to the payment. The spending officer of the Dakar mayor, in this case Khalifa Sall, can not manipulate funds. In relation to legislation, he can not manipulate funds. I paid the expenses related to the cash in advance. I never knew that the funds were political funds, "explained.

Invited to speak, the defendant Fatou Traoré maintained that she will not speak in the absence of her supporters. Following the boycott of his lawyers, the mayor of Dakar, Khalifa Ababacar Sall, wished to speak. But, he says, it is to make a statement. President Demba Kandji did not object.

However, he asked the edile of Dakar to wait until … today, to make his statement. Because for lack of air conditioning, says the first President of the Court of Appeal, there is a strong heat that is felt in the room. That's why the hearing was suspended until Thursday, time to repair the air conditioning.


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