Khalifa Sall trial: Judge Kandji reframes Me Gaye as plaintiff


In favor of the defense lawyers, Mr. Ousseynou Gaye, a civil party, is stopped in his argument. The black robe considers that the defense's claim is legitimate.

Indeed, "if the Constitutional Court rules on the exceptions, the competence of Judge Kandji will be called into question. It is likely to be changed. "

The President of the Court of Appeal invites Me Gaye to respect the principle of a fair trial and to respect the interests of the party he represents. And Mr. Gaye replies: "I am on the principles of law. Nobody can say the opposite of what I'm saying. In terms of principles I want to be right in my boots. "

The audience dazzled by the words of the applauded lawyer. But that is not to mention the firmness of Judge Demba Kandji, who threatens to evacuate the room at the next disturbance.

"I will evacuate the public. I do not want there to be a third party in the hall, "he says.

Maguette Ndao

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