Khoudia MBAYE urges to work in the agreement


"Let's all fight together for the benefit of the country, I think we are all in the same boat and we must all work to raise Senegal to the rank of emerging countries, by 2035", she urged , answering questions from members of Parliament when considering the budget of his department.

The budget allocated to this ministerial department for the 2019 management is set at the sum of 25 billion 701 million 135 thousand 500 FCFA, against 9 billion 488 million 970 thousand FCFA in 2018.

It therefore increased by CFAF 16 billion 212 million 165 thousand 400, in absolute value and 170.85% in relative value.

"I am not saying that everything is the best possible in our country, but I am saying that since 2012 we have registered a qualitative leap," Khoudia Mbaye said.

She pointed out that Senegal is today quoted as one of the leading emerging countries in Africa. "We're not saying it's enough, but we're saying we have to go very fast, and I think we've accelerated the pace," she said.

Khoudia Mbaye says that his department has given itself thoroughly to improve the business climate, in order to attract foreign investors who "are reassured". "We intend to continue these efforts," she promised.

The Minister of Investment Promotion also ensures that Senegal has recorded results in the field of the dematerialization of administrative documents and the development of information and communication technology.


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