Kolda: 12-year-old girls use contraceptive methods


Family planning works perfectly well in the village of Sara Yoba, located 30 km from the Louga region. According to liberation, the majority of young girls in this region use contraceptive methods.

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As part of the program for the improvement of the health and well-being of women and girls in southern Senegal, planning works well, through the pilot project called "Fesmen". To believe in liberation, they base humanized childbirth where the woman takes the position of her choice, while also choosing her companion until term. Since the girls are given very early to marriage (12 years 13 years), release informs us that they go to health posts to seek advice on family planning. "It's because they are sexually active," says Diatta.

"For cesarean cases, they are evacuated directly to the Kolda Hospital Center. Because it's the gynecologist who does it, "she says

Oumar DIALLO / Senegal7

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