Kolda: The Resaclap organized a day of overhaul at the for Bac candidates:


i GFM – (Kolda) – Maximizing at best the chances of success for baccalaureate candidates is the aim of the day of general revision held this Saturday, July 7 at the college of education Kolda City Council by the Network of Clubs of Literature, Art and Philosophy (RESACLAP) Kolda section for the students of the city.

After several weeks of dysfunction of the educational system , notes the regional coordinator of RESACLAP of Kolda, Mr. Mamadou Mballo "we have all noticed that the hourly quantum is nibbled". Consequences, the teaching-learning did not proceed normally. On the strength of this bitter conclusion and thus also allowing the students of the L and S series of terminals to fill this gap, the Network of Clubs of Literature, Art and Philosophy (RESACLAP) held to organize this Saturday, July 7, 2018, a day of general revision, in French, on the literary exercises at Bac. It is particularly about the topics of the dissertation, the commentary and the discussion, especially of how to approach them on the day of the exam, specified, its regional coordinator, Mr. Mballo.

Jules Sall ( correspondence).

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