Korotoumou Ouattara, new representative of the BM in Congo


Posted on
16.07.2018 at 19:18

The new resident representative of the World Bank for the Republic of Congo, Ivorian Korotoumou Ouattara officially took office Monday in Brazzaville, learned APA from the institution of Bretton Woods.The new representative of the World Bank in Congo was prior to his appointment to this position, Senior Financial Sector Economist in South Asia in the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) Department of the World Bank.

As Senior Economist, First in Africa and then South Asia, Koro Ouattara focused on private sector development, investment climate, financial inclusion including microfinance, rural finance, small and medium-sized enterprises and insurance, pensions and pensions, and housing finance.

As focal point for Niger, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and B Angladesh, Koro Ouattara helped to advance the dialogue with the authorities and expand the portfolio of the Bank's activities.

His experience will certainly be capitalized in the context of the Republic of Congo, including the National Development Plan (NDP) ) 2018-2022 being finalized considers economic diversification as an essential pillar, as well as its corollary of financing

Koro Ouattara joined the World Bank Group in 1998 as a Financial Sector Economist in the Region Africa. She was a former researcher at the Ohio State University (USA) where she obtained a Ph.D. in development economics.

She replaces Djibrilla Adamou Issa who has returned to Washington to assume other duties in connection with the Middle East in the World Bank.

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