Launch of unbundling of the SONATEL copper local loop


Dakar, July 10 (APS) – The Director General of the Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority (ARTP), Abdou Karim Sall, launched on Tuesday, in Dakar, the introduction of the unbundling of the local loop in Senegal, presented as an "important lever" for developing competition and innovation in telecommunications and the Internet market.

"The unbundling of the local loop is an essential operation for the development of competition and innovation in telecommunications, and particularly in the broadband and ultra-fast broadband Internet (HD-THD) market". Mr. Sall, on the occasion of the launching ceremony.

In 2017, the latest figures of the ARTP Observatory show that "the development of Internet services is raised in Senegal to more than 98% by mobile, less than 2% by fixed," said M . Sall.

According to him, the objective pursued through this operation is "the reduction of the technical and economic obstacles that can hinder the development of alternative actors on the market".

It states that the second objective is the possibility given to alternative operators to "freely carry on their activities and to participate in the development of fixed high and very high bandwidth in viable conditions".

The third objective, "it is the freedom of choice of the consumer, a diversity of services and a reduction of retail tariffs", he added.

"The local copper loop is an infrastructure that belongs to the historical operator SONATEL, to directly access end-users and offer them services, "said Mr. Sall.

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