Le Soleil – Basel II and Basel III prudential standards: Successful transition for Senegalese banks


Effective January 2018, the shift of Senegalese banks to Basel II and Basel III prudential standards has been a success. Some banks do not yet respect the new standards.

Senegalese banks have managed to switch to prudential standards Basel II and Basel III, made since January 2018, said Ahmadou Al Aminou Lô, national director of Bceao for Senegal . "I am pleased to tell you today that we were able to perform the changeover with satisfaction," he said yesterday in Dakar, during a press conference, at the end of the quarterly meeting between the national director for Senegal and the directors-general of credit institutions, on exchanges relating to the situation of the banking system

"Overall, there have been no changes in the meaning of offenses in relation to the situation since the banking system was able to prepare and absorb with satisfaction the new prudential system, "he continues. According to a Bceao document, following the examination of the Prudential Declaration Forms (Fodep) on the basis of the accounting situations as at 31 December 2017, a prudential situation of the Senegalese banking sector "close to that established under the old device applied from 2000 to 2017 ". The Bceao also notes positive impacts for most banks, since the reinforcement of own funds made is between 30 million and 15 billion FCfa.

The first results show that, with this new device, some banks found themselves with rising equity even though others have seen a decline. "The minimum capital required to cover risk activities is respected by most banks. There are just a few banks that do not respect them, but for considerations relating to the new rules and especially regarding the realization of real estate guarantees including mortgages, "said Ahmadou Al Aminou Lô. The new texts stipulate that banks must sell the buildings as mortgages at the latest after two years. Any mortgage that is not liquidated will be deducted from the bank's own funds, explains the national director of Bceao for Senegal.

On this point, Mr. Lô notes to condemn the dilatory of some customers in the enforcement of court decisions concerning a mortgage. The prudential system is aimed primarily at safeguarding customer deposits, so that if the bank suffers losses on its credit activity, it should be noted in time, explains Mr. Lô. "So," he continues, "we can not hide a loss. "Better, the equity capital of the bank must be able to cover any losses. The absence of these prudential standards led to the banking crisis of 2007-2008 and in the countries of UEMOA in the 1990s, recalls the head of Bceao for Senegal.

During the first quarter of 2018 , on behalf of the accounting reform, the banks reported their monthly accounting statements in accordance with the UEMOA revised Chart of Accounts (Pcb). Bceao considers the quality of these discounts "satisfactory", considering the average time of transmission to the central bank. There have been few rejections, says the national director of Bceao for Senegal.

Malick CISS

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