Le Soleil – Promotion of civic values: Timbuktu institute enlists young people from Mbour


To work for an appeasement of the social climate, to arouse from the youth of true civic and patriotic values ​​by the tolerance, the acceptance of our differences and the intercultural dialogue, among others. These are the aims of the Timbuktu institute which, with the support of the French Embassy in Senegal, initiated the project "Les jeunes des Asc and Osc mobilize their cities for civic values ​​and against violence". [19659002] For Dr Bakary Sambe, director of Timbuktu institute, the aim of this discovery is to involve young people in the search for peace and to foster a peaceful social climate, with the support of the French Embassy Innovative Civil Society Projects (Piscca) whose "general objective is to support the development of the principles of admissibility and transparency in public action, promotion of human rights and advocacy for the climate". It is now necessary to operationalize this will, in its pilot phase, in the cities of Mbour, Thiès, Dakar, Saint-Louis and Kaolack.

"It is true that Timbuktu institute was already on this the field of promoting civic values. But, this support from the French Embassy comes in time to expand its reach and reach more young people across the country, "said Dr Bakary Sambe. It has especially encouraged young people to work for cohesion, understanding and acceptance of others to live in communion and prevent conflict. This initiative is well appreciated by the administrative, political and security authorities who intend to accompany Dr Bakary Sambe and his institute in this desire to cultivate social peace.

Having presided over the ceremony, the prefect of the department of Mbour, Saër Ndao, welcomed the project which favors participatory approaches, exchanges and the encouragement of young people to be themselves producers of messages of peace and actors of living together. He pointed out that "the targets have been well chosen with the Asc and Osc, which are always hot environments where adversity is needed with diverging interests". He did not fail to invite them to have citizen behaviors. What shared the commander of the urban police force of Mbour, Aly Diagne. He then reiterated the need for young people to be involved in the search for peace and felt that the focus should be on raising awareness about civic values. According to him, Timbuktu institute did well to integrate, in its approach, the sport which is "a factor of integration and a powerful cement" for the populations. "In addition to being a unifying factor, sport has social functions. And its practice implies, beyond sports centers, a citizen and ethical behavior. It is therefore useful to promote and consolidate the vision of virtuous and educational sport to the extent that it creates strong social bonds, "he said.


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