Le Soleil – Telecommunications: Artp launches the unbundling of the local loop


The Director General of the Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority (Artp), Abdou Karim Sall, proceeded yesterday to launch the unbundling of the local loop in Senegal. It is an important lever for the development of competition and the promotion of innovative services in telecommunications and particularly in the broadband and fixed broadband Internet market.

With the aim of initiating a new dynamic in the telecommunications sector and promote innovation, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and Posts (Artp) has initiated a number of actions to support the development of the Internet market. These actions are expanding with the launch yesterday, the unbundling of the local loop in Senegal. According to Artp's director, Abdou Karim Sall, with the local loop, a new era is opening up for many players, in particular telecommunications network operators open to the public, including Sonatel, Tigo and Expresso, as well as Internet providers. Internet access (Fai) namely Waaw, Arc informatique and Africa Access.

It is a technical operation which consists of allowing an alternative operator to use the local copper loop of the incumbent operator Sonatel to access directly end-users and offering them services.

According to him, the objective of decoupling the local loop is to increase competition in the Internet market and to promote the development of uses for all categories. customers, in this case individuals, households and businesses. "The local loop is an infrastructure that belongs to the incumbent Sonatel. It is considered essential in that the economic and technical conditions of its replicability are difficult or impossible. As a result, the Telecommunication Code requires the sharing of such infrastructures on technical and tariff conditions defined by the Regulatory Authority, "said the Director General of Artp.

M. Sall also noted that the process was consensual in that it was conducted in consultation with stakeholders, including operators. "The process involved extensive work, with the actors who promoted both investment and infrastructure sharing. We congratulate and thank the operators for their open-mindedness and frank collaboration throughout the process, "he said.

Maguette Guèye DIEDHIOU

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