Livestock decimated after the first rains: Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye moves to Dolly and reassures the breeders – La Vie Sénégalaise


After the disaster that devastated several cattle in the center and east of the country, particularly in the sylvo-pastoral zone, the Minister of Livestock and Animal Production, Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye made the trip to Dolly to inquire about the situation.

To reassure the breeders, Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye announced the distribution of 2500 tons of cattle feed to breeders and said she found a regrettable but less complicated situation than described in the press. According to her, it would also be too early to say the numbers since teams on the spot are doing the census. However, she said in an interview with the Rfm that a report that was presented to them reports 6358 cases of sheep that have died, some 5 goats because they are much more resistant and 58 cattle. "When we came on the ground, we were able to make the findings with the gendarmerie. And, there are samples that were sent to the laboratories, it is especially in the Kaffrine area that the samples were taken, "said the Minister.

According to Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye, this situation affecting livestock and ranchers is also experienced in Matam in the department of Ranérou especially, Kaffrine and Louga in the central area. Thus, it advises livestock farmers to integrate Agricultural Insurance and the management of climate change into their best practices to cope with this phenomenon and reduce risks, but also to be able to benefit from assistance with insurance. 19659004] Regarding the impact of this situation on Tabaski holiday, which will be celebrated in less than two months, the Minister of Livestock reassures and confirms that there will be enough sheep on this religious holiday during which each family muslim with the means to pay himself a Ram for the occasion, a recommendation of Islam.

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