Local elections: Civil society opposes postponement


While the postponement of the Locals is one of the points of the terms of reference of the dialogue, the Civil Society said yesterday its opposition to this eventuality.

This is one of the points subject to dialogue by the authorities. But civil society does not approve the idea of ​​postponing the local elections scheduled for next December. "If, obviously, it is not possible to organize Locals on due date, we will be forced to adjust. But the position of the Civil Society is that the election must take place on due date, "said yesterday, Pr Babacar Guèye, during a workshop to assess the participation of the Senegalese civil society in the electoral process. President of the Collective of Organizations of the Civil Society for the Elections (Cosce), he nevertheless welcomed the call for dialogue. "In reality, the transparent and participatory organization of elections makes sense only if it leads to a political dialogue. We look forward to the early opening of the dialogue, "he said. Not without adding that civil society organizations will make available their expertise so that the objective set for this dialogue is achieved. Asked about the refusal of the Senegalese Democratic Party (Pds) to respond to this call, Pr Guèye prefers to keep this optimism to see Me Wade and his men change their minds. "We have to let this dialogue begin to unfold. Perhaps before it ends, we will reach all the consensus we want, and maybe even then, parties like the Pds, will agree to join the others, "he said. -He underlines. Pointing out that the SDP did not say officially, "that he will not participate in this dialogue, but that he has issued some conditions".
Regarding the electoral process that led to the Presidential election of February 24, the Civil Society believes that the poll was "peaceful, peaceful." However, sponsorship and the break-up of dialogue at a given moment are "hiccups". "If the dialogue had continued through the electoral process, I think we would have much less difficulty during this electoral process. The sponsorship is one of the most negative aspects of this process, the law must be completely revised, "suggests the president of Cosce. The Chief Electoral Officer, Tanor Thiendella Fall, assured that the consultations initiated last week will be an opportunity to see how to implement the sponsorship in the local elections.
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