Local production of hepatitis drugs has improved the care of patients


ALGER – The Director of Prevention and Health Promotion at the Ministry of Health, Population and Hospital Reform, Dr. Djamel Fourar said Thursday in Algiers, that the local production of drugs against hepatitis has improved the management of patients

On the eve of World Hepatitis Day celebrated this year under the theme " to detect, treat for the elimination of hepatitis Dr Fourar said that the local production of drugs against this pathology has improved the care of patients, emphasizing that Algeria aspired to reduce the average attainment by 2020

In accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) strategy to eliminate hepatitis, the official said that " Algeria is classified as a country with a low prevalence of the disease. and took some steps through the establishment of a national program to combat this pathology, reducing cases of infection and contagion through the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine and ensuring the necessary means for its early detection and his free treatment despite his high costs "

Indicating that more than 1500 cases of injury to this disease were enumerated throughout the national territory in 2017 Mr. Fourar recalled awareness campaigns organized by the Ministry of Health for the early diagnosis of this disease in the wilayas of the East of the country which will be followed by similar campaigns in d other wilayas of the country in September .

For its part, the president of the national association "SOS Hepatitis", Abdelhamid Bouallag emphasized the need to relaunch the commission Hepatitis Follow-up whose activity has been frozen in recent years and to encourage liver transplantation which has not yet reached the required level.

The Director General of the Pastor Institute, Dr. Zoubir Harath ensured the guarantee of the reagents used in medical analyzes and the early diagnosis of this particular disease, in addition to vaccines for infants and pregnant women.

Li also: Meeting Thursday in Algiers around the first campaign of screening hepatitis C

The Deputy Director in charge of the hepatitis C case the Department of prevention and health promotion in the Ministry, Samia Hamadi lamented the use of patients to treatment at an advanced stage of the disease which requires " a heavy support ". It also emphasized the importance of " strengthening preventive measures ", especially as " a large number of patients give up treatment ". Mrs. Hamadi highlighted the role of civil society and mourchidates of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and wakf in raising awareness of the seriousness of this disease highlighting the efforts of public authorities who have allowed the production of molecules to treat this disease at the local level, and thus help to reduce its costs.

Specialist in hepatology at CHU Mustapha Bacha, Pr Nabil Debzi estimated that the treatment guaranteed by Algeria since 2015 " proved effective " with the recognition of the World Health Organization (WHO), advocating the adoption of a national strategy for the fight against the disease adapted to the current epidemiological situation . In addition, the representative of UNAIDS in Algiers, Dr. Adel Seddam welcomed the preventive measures and analyzes carried out by the Ministry of Health, likely to " facilitate the work of the UN on the definition of areas of prevalence of the virus throughout the country, in order to cope with the danger of AIDS especially as the factors of contamination and severity are similar in subjects suffering from these two pathologies "

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