Love is ageless – The East-The-Day


It would seem to us that we should not write a few words about Charles Aznavour, the one we never tired of hearing and re-hearing musical scores. First, in looking through his life one can not report any unworthy or deplorable fact on his part both professionally and sentimentally and financially.

Over the years and in the tumult of young singers who embarked on the race for songs, a self-made music man named Charles Aznavour appears on the public stage of the French music hall. He sings all the gestures, the manners, the annoyances as well as the misunderstandings of the couple by imbibing them with the honey of his voice. We could simply say that he embodied the episodes and things of life by sublimating them.

While making a flash back in the '60', we would find that nymphets liked jeans, Chopin, Julien Clerc and Aznavour not to mention Sinatra and James Dean; at thirty, they loved Chanel's necklines, Dalida, actor Omar Sharif and Aznavour again. At age forty, they loved cappuccino coffee, Gershwin's music, the talent of actor Roger Moore (agent 007) and again Aznavour; from fifty to ninety years old, it is again and again and always the songs of Aznavour rocking them tirelessly.

Aznavour, in singing his attachment to his heritage, wrote: "They fell without knowing why, men, women and children who only wanted to live …" Then on the disagreements of a household: "He will take your mouth, he will take your bed and bury me for the second time. Subsequently poems popped up in his mind: "I was twenty, you sixteen with everything to learn. When I wrote you poems, where everything rhymed with I love you, you were still a schoolgirl, it was before the war. "Then he passed in the nostalgic atmosphere:" Yesterday still, I was twenty, I caressed time and played life as we play love (…). "

Charles Aznavour was a kind of national institution: a movement that works with choruses to embellish life even in dramatic colors: "I drank, I played and I put everything on the carpet. At the roulette wheel of life you won everything, I lost, so I drank. "

Ladies of all ages were whispering: "Today, we heard a beautiful serenade on the radio of the young singer Aznavour, it's crazy how this melody took our mind and brightened us all to the point of ordering each a cassette at the local record store. They had joy in their hearts because they were harvesting what Aznavour's magical voice had sown in their memories.

As a visionary, he foresaw the following of a couple disagreeing: "I know that a day will come because life commands it, this day that I dread, where you will leave us, I know that someday will come when sad and lonely, supporting your mother and dragging my steps, I will return home, in a desert home, I will go home where you will not be. "

Over the years, new generations were born and an enthusiastic public took shape, an audience that could have been ruthless if the singer had been mediocre, but Aznavour had contracts on contracts with music hall studios and especially at the Olympia, or at the Théâtre de la Madeleine in Paris or at Carnegie Hall in New York.

And life continued to smile more beautiful to this singer who exteriorized his golden voice in musical evenings from city to city and from province to province by touring France. An admiring and friendly community was born everywhere because the music amuses even if it fascinates. Music is a great lady who deserves respect. By interpreting it, Aznavour paid homage to it by lavishing on it his letters of nobility and the concerts were always greeted favorably by the French and international national press. The songs of Aznavour will remain forever etched in our memories without any dissonance, no false note and no break in rhyme or writing.

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