Macabre discovery in Ouakam: Aminta Diouf was a housewife at Iba Der •


The investigation goes on, the lady found naked and dead on Sunday, May 19, at the market "Salagne-Salagne" of Ouakam is Aminata Diouf, housewife, from Mbour.

Maty Diouf his little sister was the last shared his confidences. We had a long discussion. Today, with the retreat, I understood that she was saying goodbye. For example, she took her time palabing with everyone's members. She was cheerful, "recalls Maty Diouf, her little sister.

I traded with her, on May 2nd, because I had gone to join her in Dakar. I informed her of my arrival. She wanted us to go together and buy the supplies for the month of Ramadan. On May 4th, she did not call during the whole day. I did not call him too. In the afternoon I sent him a message. She did not answer and I noticed that she had not acknowledged my message, "says Maty.

Aminta Diouf had to work in several districts of Dakar including Gueule Tapée, Ouakam, Sicap Liberté 5, Sacré Coeur … "His last place of work is the house of Professor Iba Der Thiam. She even called me to tell me that she wanted to stop working there. There was no special problem. Because she was well liked by the members of the former Minister of Education, "confesses Maty Diouf in the columns of the Obs.

According to information obtained, Amy Diouf was originally from Mbour. Discovered while he was in a state of advanced decomposition, the lifeless body of the victim was difficult to identify for the gendarmes.

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