"Macky Sall makes arenas as countries build trains and universities"


Ousmane Sonko criticizes the construction project of the National Arena of Senegal in Pikine. The president of Pastef does not see the interest of the construction of such an infrastructure at a time when Senegal lacks major achievements such as universities and others. He was speaking this Sunday, July 29 on the sidelines of the official establishment of Pastef Dakar.

"What happens with the management of President Macky Sall calls for a reaction from the people. That is why we often call for marches because we have a president who has only regard for his family and his political clan but who tramps every day the Senegalese in their most basic dignity. Accessing water for example is a question of dignity. To govern is to foresee. By the time it puts billions to make a small train of 53 km with overcharging, other countries negotiate with their partners, China for example, to get trains or universities, he makes arenas. He does not respect his country. This is why we see sectoral events in the neighborhoods. Senegal does not deserve this "said Ousmane Sonko.

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