Macky Sall visits Amadou Makhtar Mbow


"The Charter of National Assizes is neither the Bible nor the Koran", these remarks made by the Head of State had aroused much controversy. Polemic revived by the exit of the former Prime Minister, Mamadou Lamine Loum, who had enlightened that "the protocol of signature does not open right to a possibility of reserve".
At the latest news, President Macky Sall traveled alone yesterday at around 4 pm to the home of Professor Amadou Makhtar Mbow of Dakar.

From this to conclude that all the clouds have quickly dissipated in favor of this meeting, there is a Rubicon that we will not cross. It could be, at the President of the Republic, a way to inquire about the state of health of the former boss of UNESCO, now 97 years old.

For the record, Mr. Mbow is the leader of Assisards and President of the National Commission for the Reform of Institutions (Cnri). This structure was created in the wake of Benno Bokk Yakaar's 2012 victory to embody the recommendations of the Charter of Good Governance.

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