Mahammed Dionne: "We have a lot to learn from China"


Dakar, July 19 (APS) – The African continent "has much to learn from China" whose economic success is due in particular to its state of mind, said Thursday in Dakar Prime Minister Mahammed Boun Abdallah Dionne

"Africa has much to learn from China, which has tamed technology, which has tamed the knowledge and know-how, which has been able to conquer markets", he says.

Prime Minister speaks at the opening of a China-Africa Symposium on "Chinese President Xi Jinping's Thoughts" on Poverty Alleviation and China-Africa Cooperation


According to the head of the Senegalese government, the African continent "has a lot to learn from China, which in a few decades has become a major economic and geostrategic power, whose way and action count around the world" .

"One of the keys to this success lies, it seems to me, less in the material potential than in the state of mind," argued Mahammed Boun Abdallah Dionne.

China "did not wake up rich" and its people "has shown and continues to display a state of mind marked by discipline, rigor, hard work and a sense of purpose. the organization '', to reach the current level of development of the country

"These qualities, one develops them in oneself. They are not manufactured in any factory. We do not buy them in any shop, "insisted the Prime Minister, noting that one of the" great merits "of the current Chinese President Xi Jinping is" to consolidate and extend this dynamic and resilient his people. "

He was convinced that with China, Senegal and Africa" ​​will always be able to count on a reliable and faithful partner in friendship to jointly lead and win the fight against poverty "


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