Malaria control: presentation in Abidjan of a new antimalarial drug


APA-Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

A new antimalarial called "Pyramax" launched by the Korean laboratory Shin Poong Pharm and his partner Tedis Promo, a drug developer, was presented Thursday in Abidjan, health professionals and populations in the presence of the Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea in Côte d'Ivoire, Rhee Yong Il, found APA on the spot.

Arthemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), Pyramax is a curative treatment for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria, which is administered once daily for three days, promoters say, adding that this antimalarial has formulations suitable for both adults and children (in tablet and granule form).

Welcoming the launch of this drug on the Ivorian pharmaceutical market, professor of infectious and tropical diseases, Emmanuel Bissagnene, said that "the fight against malaria is in good working."

In turn, the merits of this antimalarial, Mr. Rene Cazetien Shin Poong Pharm laboratory, said that Pyramax "was approved by the European agency and has received the approval of the World Health Organization (in 2014 for tablets and 2017 for granules). "

The industry of the x drug yields a lot more money than drugs, regretted, for its part, Dr. Louis Penali of the Institut Pasteur of Côte d'Ivoire, noting that the problem of counterfeiting is in transport, production and storage of drugs

According to a study by the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), the number of malaria-related deaths in Côte d'Ivoire dropped from 4431 in 2016 to 3222 in 2017.

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