Malitel launches its 4G fiber optic network • * Mali


Tuesday November 27, 2018 took place the launch of the network of 4e Malitel generation at the Bamako Friendship Hotel. Access to this network is automatic, according to the communications officer of the network contacted by us on Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

On Tuesday November 27, 2018, at the Bamako Friendship Hall, the official launch of the network of 4e generation (4G) of Malitel. Following this launch, Mali now has a new 4G network. Contacted by us, the communications officer of Sotelma-Malitel, Alima, explained that the launch of this high-speed network responds to a desire to satisfy the demands of their customers. In an increasingly digital world, there is a need for a faster connection, because it is better suited to the changing stage of the world. This new high-speed network will enable users of this essential network in Mali to participate, at lower cost and faster, in video-conferences, E-learnings (distance or online courses), and to be able to download documents and multimedia files more quickly, etc.

According to the communication officer, this 4G already covers the entire city of Bamako as well as the region of Kayes, Koulikoro and Ségou. Soon all Mali will be under cover of this 4G Malitel, the network serving Malians, insists Alima.

Asked about the procedures of the transfer to the 4G by the customers, she notifies that this is simpler. No need to make a trip to the agencies to exchange the chip, just put the chip in the port compatible phone to 4G, she says. This launch can only excite the Malians.

Fousseni TOGOLA

Source: The Country

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