Mamadou Diop Decroix: "the march of July 13 is only the beginning of a long and bitter struggle"


Following their march initiated last July 13 to protest against the regime in place, the National Front of Resistance (FRN) has, during a press conference held this afternoon, evaluated this day, "a recorded a resounding success. "

" No incidents were noted despite the massive nature of the demonstration. This is a proof of great maturity administered by our people which makes, therefore, ridiculous the false pretexts that the power exposes to regularly oppose the freedom of expression that constitutes the peaceful marches ", said the Daily spokesperson Mamadou Diop of Decroix.

Continuing, the boss of Aj-Pads, adds that "the leaders of the Frn clearly indicate that the demonstration of July 13 is only the beginning of a long and bitter struggle given the magnitude of the challenges we face and the arrogance of those who launched them to the Senegalese people "

With regard to the 2019 presidential election, the Fnr continues to ask the government to choose a neutral personality for, he says, to have a transparent election

"We continue to demand an independent authority for the organization of elections. The electoral process remains inaccessible to the opposition while the law is explicit. The electoral code is not revisited and expunged from all depositions that are introduced to undermine the reliability of the entire process including the removal of sponsorship, "he said.

Mansour SYLLA, (

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