Mame Adama Guèye from "Senegal Bu Bess" on tour in Kaffrine


Kaffrine, July 8 (APS) – The leader of the political movement "Senegal Bu Bess" (a new Senegal), Me Mame Adama Gueye, made a political tour Sunday in Kaffrine (center) to explain to its militants the missions and visions of its said movement, found the APS.

This political movement has for among other missions to make Senegal, a "prosperous country and founded on values ​​of ethics" indicated Mame Adama Guèye to journalists.

"We also want a Senegal led by Senegalese imbued with the cult of the general interest and dedicated to the satisfaction of the interests of the citizen in the fields of health, education, education, employment, security, among others ", he added.

The leader of the" Senegal Bu Bess "movement considers that" the problem of Senegal is not a problem of alternation or regime. 'is a system problem'.

Therefore, i he advocated the establishment of a "new Republic of Senegal (…)"

"We advocate the rehabilitation of the school which is a fundamental link in the Republic. Today, the public school is dropped "said Mame Adama Guèye.

In addition, the leader of" Senegal Bu Bess "who says to be in a dynamic of construction and exchange called for" privileging the national private sector. "

Mame Adama Gueye who promises to unveil" as soon as possible "his governance program also spoke about the case Khalifa Sall, jailed mayor of Dakar and the floods in Kaffrine.

He says he hopes that the "Court of Appeal of Dakar will draw the consequences of the very clear stop of the ECOWAS" on the file of the mayor of Dakar.

Speaking of the floods which live the populations of Kaffrine, Me Mame Adama Guèye said to be persuaded that "the government has the necessary solutions to eradicate this phenomenon."

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