Mansour Faye launches three boreholes in Dakar


These include drilling a Godppeul, one in Tobago City and another in North Fair. Drilling with an estimated depth of 105 meters and a capacity of 50 to 100 cubic meters of water per hour. The duration of the work is estimated at 45 days maximum. But, the amount of these works has not been announced.
According to the Minister, these three (3) new dedicated boreholes will reinforce this special program, which is currently underway. And that of Dieuppeul allow neighborhoods Dieuppeul, Sicap Freedom, Ben Tally, Niary Tally and Grand Dakar, to have water 24 hours.
According to Mansour Faye, with the disconnection of market gardeners, the commissioning of the drilling of Tassette (Thies) and the 5 boreholes of Bayakh, from July 20, 2018, and the restarting of the fourth pump of the Keur Momar Sarr plant, the drinking water deficit in Dakar will be significantly improved. But, to fill definitely this deficit, it is necessary to put in service of KMS3.
Although "it is not advisable to drill in Dakar because it presents a rather special environment", the minister said "very reassured" by the assurances given by the technical services.
Mansour Faye also announced that the process of the des Mamelles seawater desalination plant is underway. According to him, the first phase of pre-qualification has been passed. Today, they are in the recruitment phase of the company that will do the work. And these will be launched in January 2019 at the latest.
Attended the launch of the drilling of his commune, Cheikh Guèye, mayor of Dieuppeul-Derklé, welcomed and magnified the project which, according to him, came on time. In the opinion of the mayor, finding the precious liquid in the neighborhoods of the municipality, is "a real problem".
Cheikh Guèye also seized the presence of the minister to raise the sanitation problem that his commune is facing, notably the Beaver market, and others.
It should be noted that the meeting also recorded the presence of the directors general of the National Water Company of Senegal (Sones) and the Senegalese Water Company (Sde), the sub-prefect of Grand-Dakar, religious authorities and customary of the locality, populations, etc.


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