Maroc Telecom reports consolidated revenues of nearly € 1.62 billion


APA-Rabat (Morocco)

Moroccan operator Maroc Telecom posted consolidated sales of 1.62 billion euros (17.9 billion dirhams) in the first half of 2018, up 5 percent from the first half 2017.

This performance comes from the sustained growth of the group's business in Morocco and internationally. Thus, operating income before depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounts to 8.8 billion dirhams (1 euro = 11 dirhams), marking an increase of 4 percent, while the consolidated adjusted operating profit of the group reaches 5.5 billion dirhams. (+4.8%).

In this context, the telecom operator earned a profit of 3 billion DH, an increase of 8.6% "thanks to the growth in business and restructuring charges noted in the first half of 2017. "

Note that the group's fleet continues its strong growth with currently more than 60 million customers, a jump of 9.7% over one year. This trend led to solid growth in the number of subsidiaries (+ 13.6%) of mobile and fixed broadband fleets in Morocco.


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