Martinez: "Henry is the piece of the puzzle that was missing in Belgium" – Russia 2018 – World Cup


Very relaxed against the media, the Spanish coach of the Red Devils did not show any signs of stress before the World Cup semi-final between France and Belgium.

Special Envoy to St. Petersburg [19659003] The semifinal against France: "This is a unique opportunity for Belgium. A reward after this long-term work done for several years. This semifinal against France provides excitement. In the semifinals, this is an extraordinary opportunity in a career. We can not lower our feet. "

His opinion on France: " She has many individualities, it will be necessary to concentrate for 90 minutes. We can not relax, enter the field and say that what we did against Brazil will help us. The players of both countries know each other well, it is precisely on this match that we really have to concentrate as much as possible. "

His tactical blow against Brazil: " It's difficult to play with three defenders, this opens up more possibilities for duels. It suits our players, but on some games you have to strengthen the solidity and avoid defensive mistakes. That's what we did against Brazil. This group has the ability to adapt. That was a real satisfaction against Brazil. "

The prospect of a special treatment of Kanté on Hazard: " Throughout the tournament, we were a team that allowed individualities to make a difference. We are very strong as a group. There is a contribution from all the players. Meunier is suspended, we must find a solution internally. "

Henry's contribution to the Belgian group: " Thierry has brought something very strong in the last two years. He brought experience to our players, an international know-how. He knows what the elite means. He brings calm. He has a lot of attention to the details, focus on all players. Piece of the puzzle that was missing. "

De Bruyne's State of Mind: " Critics against Kevin before Brazil were unfair. He is a point guard who can bring the ball forward and give it to the attackers. It has been so important against Tunisia and Panama. For me, it's more than a playmaker. We're used to leaders who slow down the game, who take the time, but he is able to go faster. It has a level of execution quite exceptional. Kevin can have different caps, he can play in the axis, eccentric. Apart from goalkeeper, he can be good everywhere. "

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