Mauritania takes over paper distribution of government newspapers – High Tech


The Mauritanian government announced Thursday the resumption of the publication on paper of its official newspapers Chaab (Arabic) and Horizons (French), two weeks after stopping it in favor of their electronic versions.

Asked by AFP, the director-general of the Mauritanian News Agency (AMI), which publishes the two daily newspapers, Khadijetou Sghair Said, put forward commercial and technical reasons for this change.

"We have a part of the (advertising) contracts that were in progress and whose break is inevitably accompanied by financial losses and, secondly, the passage on the web of newspapers requires technical training and protective measures that are under construction ", explained the Director General of the MAI, without specifying whether the return to the paper version was temporary or permanent.

Chaab and Horizons were last on newsstands July 6 and, following a government decision to abandon the paper version, after 43 years of publication. "We will undertake to continue them on an electronic format and take advantage of new technologies to improve our means of work," Ms. Said explained.

The two national dailies, created in 1975 by the government, which they reflect the official opinion, were published by the national printing press, which resumed Wednesday its activities after a break of more than a month due to financial problems and a strike of the staff claiming the payment of arrears of wages of several months.

According to official sources, the wages of printing workers were borne by the State, which also granted it "working capital" for the resumption of its activities.

Private and public newspapers had already stopped publishing for nearly a month between December and January due to a collapse of the paper stocks of the national printing press.

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