Mayweather and DJ Khaled accused of financial fraud


According to a statement released on Thursday, the SEC accuses them of having, among other things, advertised for a cryptocurrency (ICO) fundraiser that enabled Centra Tech to raise tens of millions of dollars, without saying that they were paid to do it.

Without acknowledging or denying the charges, Floyd Mayweather agreed to close the case in exchange for a $ 300,000 fine and a $ 300,000 refund.

DJ Khaled fined him $ 100,000 and paid back $ 50,000.

The boxer, who currently has more than 7.85 million subscribers on his Twitter account, had posted a message announcing the start of fundraising cryptocurrency Centra Tech, accompanied by the note "Go ahead before 'There's nothing left, I've had mine …'

On Instagram, where he is followed by 22.3 million subscribers, the boxer also hinted that he would soon make a lot of money through another fundraiser.

But he failed to indicate that he had been paid $ 100,000 to promote Centra Tech and $ 200,000 to put forward two other financial transactions.

DJ Khaled, who has 4.2 million fans on Twitter and 12.9 million on Instagram, has on his side said on its social networks that Centra Tech was going to "upset everything". He was paid $ 50,000 for this.

Centra Tech officials have since been sued by US authorities, who say the fundraiser was simply illegal.

They are accused of inventing managers with impressive resumes, non-existent partnerships with big companies and having published false documents to put forward their project.

The SEC also believes that such raising of funds is, under certain conditions, tantamount to IPOs and should therefore be regulated as such.

But the operations put forward by Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled have not been reported to his services.

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