Mbacké Barry's Magal: the organizing committee calls for a water supply "without disturbance"


Linguère, July 18 (APS) – The leaders of the organizing committee of Mbacké Barry's magal Wednesday asked the administration to ensure a "water-free" supply and a "correct" distribution of water. the electricity during the religious event scheduled for August 10, found the APS.

This request was made at the departmental committee preparatory development of the magal Mbacké Barry chaired by the prefect Amadou Bamba Koné. [19659002ItwasalsoaquestionduringthismeetingtoinvolvethepressupstreamanddownstreamtowinthebetofmediatizationofthereligiouseventnotedthereporteroftheAPS

The magal of Mbacké Barry commemorates the departure in exile in Gabon of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba, the founder of the mouridisme indeed left this locality on August 10, 1895.

This locality after serigne fallou mbacké, son of the current khali Serigne Sheikh Diorel Mbacke was founded by Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba after Touba and Darou Salam.

Returning to the history of Mbacké Barry's magal, Serigne Fallou Mbacké hinted that "the magics of Touba and Mbacké Barry form at the bottom a single and unique event "in the Mouride brotherhood.

He said that this statement was made by the late Serigne Saliou Mbacké in 2000 during the magal of Touba.

Mbacké Barry is a religious site located in the district of Sagatta-Djoloff, in the department of Linguère (Louga) and which regularly welcomes the faithful who come to gather there.

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