Meghan Markle: how she became a true influence


When one thinks about fashion influencer, one thinks Instagram feed well filled, bambi poses in heavenly places, promo codes on slimming teas and stories by the thousands. Yes, social networks are more than ever the nerve of war to establish its influence in terms of style. So when the Lyst site lists the most influential celebrities of 2018, it's no wonder that Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian, the most connected sisters on the planet, open the podium. But in third place, it's a personality whose status compels him to stay away from Insta: Meghan Markle! And yet, everything makes sense …

Meghan Markle, the old-fashioned influence

By marrying his Prince Charming, the former actress has indeed had to close his personal accounts, much to the chagrin of his fans, who have saved his old posts. Here they are deprived of the virtual presence of their idol, even making an event the fact that the account of Kensington Palace post a snapshot made by the duchess in person.

His influence is to the public's love that Meghan owes it. She is fascinating and dreaming, and is incredibly popular both in the UK and around the world. And so, fashion magazines never fail to decipher his latest looks while accounts bloom everywhere on Twitter or Instagram in his honor. In view of the results, there is no need to make Meghan Markle a true trendsetter.

Meghan, what she touches turned into gold

Simple proof of the Markle impact: the speed with which the pieces she wears become sold out. After her wedding, the brands Givenchy and Stella McCartney experienced a boom in search engine research (even a crash). Lyst estimates that Meghan's brands are experiencing a traffic increase of around 200%. Of what worth to him undeniably, the status of mode icon.

Clément Laré

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