Memorial "The Joola": the advisory committee installed


Dakar, July 17 (APS) – The Minister of Culture, Abdou Latif Coulibaly, presided Tuesday in Dakar the official ceremony of installation of the advisory committee of the memorial of the boat "The Joola", an organ whose aim is to contribute to the strategic direction and monitoring of project implementation.

M. Coulibaly, speaking on this occasion, reminded that the committee set up by decree should "ensure the production of quality documents throughout the process of carrying out the project" dedicated to the memory of the victims of the sinking of the ship ' 'The Joola', in the night of September 26 to 27, 2002.

Its mission will be notably to formulate opinions and proposals to the attention of the Ministry of Culture, "with a view to a good and consensual execution", with a view to achieving the objectives assigned to the memorial of the ship " Joola, "said the Minister of Culture.

The Secretary General of the Minister of Culture will chair the committee with a permanent secretary in the person of the Administrator of the Memorial.

Other members of the Ministry of Culture will sit on this committee, as will representatives of the Ziguinchor local authorities and the families of the victims.

"The Consultative Committee shall meet upon convocation of its Chairperson once every six months and whenever necessary, may invite to its sessions any natural person on the basis of his competence on matters to be examined", said M. Coulibaly

The Minister of Culture pointed out that this device will be completed at the regional level by a monitoring committee which will be installed in Ziguinchor under the chairmanship of the regional governor. An order will specify the powers and composition of this monitoring committee.

If one believes Abdou Latif Coulibaly, "important steps" have already been taken in the realization of this "important work" for the State of Senegal.

"We have identified a site we are working on, there are still some constraints to be lifted, but I am looking forward to starting the work before the end of 2018 and finishing by the end of 2019." he announced

He said that the memorial of the ship '' The Joola '' is intended to be "a site of recollections, prayers but also a museum", with content that would have a "direct relationship" with the victims

Through this memorial, the State of Senegal intends to perpetuate the memory of the victims of the sinking of the boat '' Le Joola '', off the Gambian coast, which left 1863 dead.

The Ministry of Culture, responding on behalf of the State to a repeated request from the families of the victims, initiated a wide consultation with all the actors concerned, which resulted in the choice to implant the memorial in Ziguinchor. 19659003]

A consultation committee was set up and a national architectural competition launched for the construction of the memorial with the support of the Ordre des architectes.

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