Mercato: After Nice, OM, Monaco, Everton … Real Betis stands for Mbaye Niang


He is one of the few Senegalese who fed the summer mercato market. On French club tables such as Monaco, Marseille or Nice, not forgetting the English of Everton and Arsenal, Mbaye Niang still has other proposals coming from Spain precisely from Betis Seville.

After the Cup of world, Mbaye Niang is the Senegalese whose name comes back most often on the transfer market. Long before the start of the World Cup, Olympique Marseille and As Monaco had shown interest in the player trained in Caen. But the file remained in the state. His Italian club Torino did not want to decide before the end of the competition.

While Senegal was released in the first round in Russia, Mbaye Niang made a good impression to attract other European and English stables. Thus Everton and Arsenal entered the dance to not only take contractual information from Senegal but also its market value. Since then, the negotiations are open but nothing concrete has yet been decided. Moreover, recently the track of Nice seems to be hotter, the hexagonal press even announcing the replacement of the Italian striker Mario Balloteli by Mbaye Niang.

But according to our Italian colleagues, this track is likely to be a fire of straw to the extent that the Spanish club Real Betis Seville has thrown on the record. The transalpine press understands that the Senegalese international Torino has very advanced contacts with Real Betis. " Enhanced by its World Cup, the former Caenais clearly causes a big interest during this summer 2018. And its price now exceeds 10 million euros (6.5 billion francs) while he still three years of contract with the Piedmontese club which raised, a few months ago the option to buy after the loan granted by AC Milan ", reads.

However, for its part Mbaye Niang remains discreet and has not publicly displayed his intention to leave. Ditto for his club, the Torino who made no comment regarding his 23-year-old player.

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