Mercato: Neymar makes his choice between Barça and Real Madrid


Goal! Football Club

Brazilian striker PSG Neymar (26) is still popular in Europe. In addition to FC Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid has indeed not yet its last word.

Saying all the good he thought of Neymar, Pep Segura relaunched last week a possible transfer of the Brazilian to FC Barcelona in the transfer window. If the Catalan club is still far from reaching its goal, what does the PSG striker think of this public and quite unexpected revival?

The Spanish daily Marca thinks he knows the answer. According to our Iberian confreres, Neymar is very happy to have heard such a positive message from FC Barcelona, ​​which he still considers his true home. Far ahead of Real Madrid, he knows very much about his services to the transfer window.

"Aware that Real Madrid would also be able to revive it in due time, through his father and advisor, Neymar would also be sensitive to this interest but would give his preference to Barça at the time of today"says the Madrid newspaper. No doubt that this story should also be conditioned by the financial terrain, on which the Brazilian crack PSG also knows how to speak his talent.


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