The Minister of Hydraulics, Mansour Faye, explains live on the Facebook page of the group T'es de Dakar if … to build the Senegalese on what caused the water shortage. In his speech, he stressed that "the water will come back at the latest in September."
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Regarding a specific date for the arrival of water in the entire Senegalese territory . "There can be no precise date. At Bayakh, we have 5 wells ready. Monday or Tuesday 15,000 cubic meters of water will be deployed, market gardeners will also deliver 10,000 cubic meters " he announces.
In addition to this, Mansour Faye also announces "Work at Keur Momar Sarr and within 5 days, the water will be deployed there. this concerns the July program. For August, the drilling of Tassette wait only for the equipment. These are scheduled by the end of August with 25,000 cubic meters of water. In September, we will have the second phases of Bayakh with 5 or 6 holes more. "
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