Miss Universe: Miss Philippines crowned in Bangkok – All the news of Guadeloupe on the Internet


Miss Philippines was crowned Miss Universe Monday in Bangkok, winning the precious crown, awarded for the first time in 67 years that exists the competition by an all-female jury.

"Miss Universe is a great platform, we are all emancipated women, but how can we pass it on to others?" The new Miss Universe Catriona Gray, a 24-year-old musicology graduate who studied in the United States, told reporters. .

The former Miss Universe, South African Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, handed her her crown at a live broadcast ceremony in 94 countries, following the decision of a female panel ranging from former Miss Universe to business women.

The new defender of the title was applauded for her involvement in the favelas of Manila with an NGO doing AIDS prevention. "A few years ago, I lost a close friend, of AIDS, so encouraging people to get tested and to know if they are affected is clearly one of my priority projects." she explained.

In addition to their evening dress or swimsuit parade, over 90 contest participants were asked about the #MeToo movement, the legalization of marijuana, or the refugee crisis around the world.

The representative of Spain at Miss Universe, Angela Ponce, revolutionized the competition this year: she was the first transgender candidate in history.

The competition was also marked by the gaffes on Miss USA social networks, Sarah Rose Summers, making fun of Miss Vietnam and Miss Cambodia, who do not speak English. Faced with the controversy on the Web, she had to apologize on Instagram, ensuring "not to want to hurt" Miss in question.

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