Monaco refuses to confiscate the property of a Senegalese opponent


Karim Wade, son and minister of former President Abdoulaye Wade, was sentenced in 2015 to six years in prison in Senegal, with a fine of more than 210 million euros for "illicit enrichment". [19659002] Monegasque justice rejected a request from the Senegalese state to confiscate the monasteries of Karim Wade, son of former president Abdoulaye Wade and opponent of power, sentenced in his country for "illicit enrichment"

In a decision rendered Tuesday, July 10 and revealed by Monaco-Matin, the judges of the Criminal Court of Monaco rejected the request of Senegal, which claimed in particular the seizure of $ 2 million. Karim Wade, son and minister of former President Abdoulaye Wade (2000-2012), was sentenced in 2015 in Senegal to six years in prison, more than 210 million euros fine for « illicit enrichment " and the confiscation of all his property. The decision was upheld by the Supreme Court, but it received a presidential pardon in June 2016 and has since been living abroad. He was not pardoned and Senegal still demanded the confiscation of his property.

"Political Reasons"

"The offenses charged, trading in influence, concealment, corruption are facts that would have been condemned, obviously, in the principality " had pleaded before the court the lawyer of Senegal, Thomas Giancarli. "The decision of the Monaco justice (…) strengthens the candidate Karim Wade in his determination to defend his civil and political rights" welcomed the group of lawyers of Mr. Wade in a statement. "It is clear that he was prosecuted, tried and sentenced for purely political reasons for the sole purpose of being prevented from running for the presidential election on February 24, 2019" did they feel

In March, in a similar procedure in France, the Paris Court of Appeal rejected an appeal from the State of Senegal, after a refusal of the court to seize the property of Karim Wade. 19659006] million. Wade was also denied on July 2, his registration on the Senegalese electoral roll, a decision that the lawyers of the former minister contest.

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