Money order required against Daouda Mbow


The boss of the New Vision of the Automobile (NVA) is in the sight of the parquet of Dakar. According to Liberation the public prosecutor requested the warrant of deposit against him for organized money laundering. The prosecution, which opened a judicial investigation against Mbow, also ordered the provisional seizure of all his property.

The mis en cause denies the facts alleged against him, objects of a report of National Cell of information processing CENTIF), was charged on Tuesday, July 10, before being released on bail.

As a reminder, the case began when Daouda Mbow filed a complaint against a certain Ibrahima Guèye for fraud on a piece of land. In his complaint, he claims to have given him a car and 10 million FCFA for the purchase of land he will never see.

After a long hunt, Ibrahima Guèye is arrested by the DIC. Before being transferred to the prosecutor's office, he revealed to the investigators that he had realized that the car Daouda Mbow had given him was stolen in France. The investigators decide to see more clearly and get their hands on the vehicle. This confirms the statements of Mr. Guèye since the vehicle was reported by Interpol. Daouda Mbow is picked by the investigators who decide, at first, to make a descent in his parking lot. The checks carried out on the spot made it possible to seize several vehicles including Range and Ml fleets in France. Another search is carried out at Daouda Mbow in Zone A (Dakar).

On site, the DIC discovers the existence of an underground car park in which was parked another batch of cars sought in France. In total, 8 vehicles and 10 motorcycles stolen in France were seized during both operations. In custody at the same time as one of his collaborators, Daouda Mbow acknowledged the facts. Sources say he admitted that the vehicles were stolen before giving names.

Case to follow.

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