More than 500 kg of fake incinerated drugs: Ten people arrested in Tambacounda


The fight against trafficking and the illicit sale of fake medicines is not fading in Tambacounda. After about 50 kg seized, there are less than three weeks and the arrest of a dozen people, the local authorities have yesterday the incineration of more than 500 kg of fake drugs.

drug trafficking is an unfortunate reality in the Tambacounda region, as evidenced by the large seizures made by the various elements of the defense and security forces. Just this Wednesday, more than 500kg of fake drugs were incinerated in the bush, in the presence of local authorities. It is mainly corticoids, regrets the president of the Order of pharmacists of Tamba, "appalled" by the trivialization of the phenomenon. According to Dr. Babacar Diop, there is a need for criminalization of trafficking to successfully contain it. "It's only that that will deter delinquents," fumed the pharmacist, outraged by the large amount of products seized. According to him, "these are real poisons when you know that even beyond their origins, they are poorly preserved and poorly maintained and this makes them more toxic and more harmful to the health of populations." "Better," Dr. Diop explained, "these products, exposed to a certain temperature, become very harmful poison. They can even release what is called in medical jargon, free radicals, generally at the origin of many cancers and other renal insufficiencies. "Continuing, he hopes a cooperation of the populations to better face the phenomenon and the offenders. On the other hand, he believes that there are in the batch, tablets such as Ca C1000 and Efferalgan, "which are not fake drugs". "Only we do not know their origins and their state of conservation. Anyone who wants to buy drugs has only to go to pharmacies or health facilities, "advises the specialist.
Echo, Demba Traoré, public prosecutor at the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Tambacounda, informs that "several dozen people have trouble with the law for these crimes. Justice will do its job and the offenders will be punished to the extent of the fault committed. "
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