Moussa Tine at Rebeuss •


Moussa Tine, former Director of the Entente Cadak-Car, went to Rebeuss Central Prison to visit the former mayor of Dakar imprisoned in connection with the case of the Caisse in advance of the City of Daka. Moussa Tine who gives news of Khalifa Sall, informs that the latter told him that his candidacy for the next Presidential election is irreversible. "My application is irreversible! Despite all the maneuvers implemented, the law of my country allows me to be a candidate in this presidential election of 2019. I am a candidate. I'm counting on you, "Khalifa Sall told Moussa Tine. According to Tine, Khalifa Sall is waiting calmly for her trial at the Supreme Court. According to him, it would be difficult to invalidate the candidacy of Khalifa Sall, and for good reason. According to Moussa Tine, during his trial, Khalifa Sall can raise the objection of unconstitutionality. In this case, the Supreme Court suspends the trial to seize the Constitutional Council. The trial resumes only after the decision of the Constitutional Council. And even if the Supreme Court does not give him reason, he still has three months to make a stop flap. Only after all this time can we talk about a final decision that may invalidate his candidacy. I do not see how with all this procedure they can block his candidacy, "he argues.

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