Mrs Ndeye Bineta Ndoye releases Mayor Moustapha Diop for Mamadou Mamour Diallo – LACTUACHO.COM


Surrounded by her base, her family environment, her lifelong friends and a strong delegation of the '' Dolly Macky '' movement Mrs Ndoye Ndeye Bineta Cissokho, held at her home in Santhiaba district center, a Press yesterday afternoon of Thursday, July 26, 2018.

In the face of journalists Ms. Ndoye bitterly justified her departure from the political sensitivity of Mayor Moustapha Diop to rally with courage and determination Louga's Dolly Macky movement of the director of domains, Mamadou Mamour Diallo

For her, "the work continues because the APR is a family, a name, a style, an innovative approach. Our ambition is to obtain a triumphant victory on the evening of February 24, 2019, in the first round for the re-election of our candidate Macky Sall. "
" I have long suffered from having undergone intrigues, plots, tainted traps lies and mischief "said the new activist Dollystes.

Teacher, she says" imbued values ​​advocated by Macky Sall and popularized by Mamadou Mamour Diallo, this tireless servant of the state and social causes " , the speaker said that she will bring the same support and the same militant commitment to the friend and faithful companion of the head of the State.

A precision however: Mrs Ndoye intends to keep her elective office of municipal councilor and deputy mayor of Louga


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