National team: Alioune Cissé maintained … National team: Alioune Cissé maintained


Good news for the Senegal coach. Aliou Cissé remains in his position, despite the elimination of Lions in the first round of the World Cup-2018. The president of the Senegalese Football Federation (Fsf), Mr. Augustin Senghor, confirmed it.

In Les Échos, he says: " I have always said that the fate of Aliou Cissé is not related to this competition. (Even if) we can consider, in absolute terms, that we do not have the expected results. And again, because it is not written that one would leave this group. "

The assistants of Cissé also will be maintained . "No question of strengthening, release Augustin Senghor in touch. We always talk about strengthening a staff. Aliou and his team are well in place. We do not need 10 coaches around a team. If we come to think that we must strengthen Aliou, as much change once and for all. Aliou will remain and work with the men in whom he and the Federation trust. "

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