Ndiassane: Aly Ngouille Ndiaye asks for prayers for a peaceful presidential election


[09:21, 27/11/2018] Damashu: XALIMANEWS: The Minister of the Interior, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, asked Monday the Khalif general of Khadra, Sheikh Bécaye Kounta, prayers for peaceful presidential elections and lasting peace in Senegal.
Speaking at the official ceremony of Ndiassane's Gamou, celebrated tonight, the Minister of the Interior also solicited prayers for the Head of State, Macky Sall, so that his many accomplishments for fulfillment can be realized. citizens and the emergence of Senegal.
He delivered his address to the Minister of the Armed Forces, Augustin Tine, Abdou Ndénè Sall, Minister Delegate in charge of the rail network, and Amadou Sy, Governor of the region of Thiès.
He returned to the role played by the various religious guides of Ndiassane, to perpetuate the teaching of the precepts and recommendations of Islam, "inspired by their venerated great grandfathers who are descendants of the Prophet Muhammad".
According to him, the founder of the Tarikha khadre, Sheikh Bounama Kounta, "has been able to breathe this tradition into Senegal and Africa that today, his children and young continue to perpetuate".
Serigne Pope Abdouramane Kounta, spokesman for the Caliph General Khadres, Serigne Sheikh Bécaye Konuta Ibn Bécaye, thanked the Head of State, for the achievements made for the whole family Koutiyou and loyal Khadres, through the house of hosts , the residence of the caliph, among others.
He then urged the state authorities to cultivate tolerance and work for the preservation of social peace, with a view to promoting national harmony and the development of populations.
According to his spokesman, the caliph recommends to the opposition parties, especially the candidates declared in the presidential election of February 2019, to avoid "the invectives, misplaced words, seeking to conquer the power in the respect and discipline. "It's God alone who gives power to whoever he wants," he reminded them.

He added that the caliph invites "all the sons of the Kountiyou family" to be "more rigorous" and to adopt "good behavior, to be models of righteousness".

It's about bringing them in this way to "guide the talibés [les disciples] and the faithful Muslims, to abide by the precepts and recommendations of Islam, in order to preserve the legacy left by the venerated Akhloul Khoutiyou, who have traced the path of the Tarikha [confrérie] khadre ".

Talibés are also invited to respect their religious guides and follow "their recommendations to deserve the forgiveness, benevolence and blessing of God," noted Serigne Pape Abdourahmane Kounta.

He also said that the khalif general of the khadres "strongly condemns the excesses" noted on social networks, which "play a negative role in the education of young people". He pointed out the part of responsibility that parents have in this situation, stressing the need to "orient children to the right path".

"The Senegalese people must review their behavior, to adopt the path of wisdom, the Teranga [hospitalité] legendary, tolerance and solidarity, like the old […] Adds the spokesman for the caliph.

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