Neymar has a message for Mbappé and Rakitic


Neymar left the world a little early for his taste – MANAN VATSYAYANA / AFP

Between his old and his current teammates, Neymar decided … not to choose. And the Brazilian star had a note for Kylian Mbappé, who plays with him at PSG, and his former Barcelona buddy Ivan Rakitic, before the clash Sunday in the final of
World Cup

In a long message posted on Instagram, the Brazilian, has returned on the course of the two teams, not without admitting a small pinch to the heart while Brazil was out in the quarterfinals by the Red Devils

"We know how difficult it has been to get here," Ney writes. Now, enjoy it, have fun because it's worth it. I am very happy for you two and I am very moved to see the reaction of the supporters of your two countries, France and Croatia, who celebrate your journey.

And the Parisian nugget to concede: "I will not deny the fact that I would have liked to be with one of you on the field but it was not possible in this World Cup. It will be for next time. I will cheer on my golden boy (Mbappé) and my former Barcelona teammate. I hope you will have a good time Sunday without forgetting that it is a competition and that regardless of the result, you are already champions. Take your teammates to victory. I am very proud of you my friends and the world of football must be very proud of this final. Good luck !! "

>> Read also: A Brazilian designer recreated the letters of the alphabet with the artistic figures of Neymar

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