Nigeria announces the creation of its new airline


Nigerian Aviation Minister Hadi Sirika speaks after a press conference at the Farnborough Motor Show on July 18, 2018
 | AFP | Adrian DENNIS

Nigeria's aviation minister, Hadi Sirika, announced Wednesday the creation of a new national airline, Nigeria Air, by the end of the year, at a press conference at the Salon Farnborough International Aeronautics Association

M. Sirika explained that the government had "a moral and social responsibility to create a new air carrier". "The administrative side of the thing is settled, we are now procuring devices," he added.

He mentioned in a tweet Boeing and Airbus as possible builders, with whom his government is "in negotiations"

The country has been without a national airline since the closure of Nigeria Airways in 2003, a debt-ridden company that eventually succumbed to its financial difficulties.

Nigeria Air will be a public-private partnership but however, will be led entirely by the private sector. The government will own no more than 5% of the group.

The company will operate domestically, regionally and globally, and the government is currently seeking a strategic partner to invest, develop and lead.

Some 81 links were chosen, out of 1,500 initially considered.

M. Sirika added that the company could tap into the potential of its middle class, growing share of a population of more than 180 million.

Nigeria Air, whose slogan is "Bring Nigeria closer to the world", is aiming for a Beginning of services in December 2018.

The government expects Nigerian air traffic to grow at a rate of 5% per year until 2036. This traffic represents more than 15 million passengers.

"A road of one kilometer leads nowhere, a one-kilometer airstrip leads everywhere, "said the minister, who is a licensed pilot.

The creation of a new airline was one of the key promises of current president Muhammadu Buhari during the presidential campaign three years ago

"80% of air carriers in Africa are non-African and Nigeria has not been a player in the sector for a long time," Sirika noted.

He added that the logo of the new company represented an eagle, national symbol, flying through the heavens.

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