No reason to worry, according to Dr. Sakoba


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Discovery of a type of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone: No reason to worry, according to Dr. Sakoba

After the announces the discovery of a new type of Ebola virus on bats in northern Sierra Leone, Guinean health authorities say that citizens do not have to worry and urge compliance with hygiene practices.

For now, researchers who have discovered this new virus are still unaware if the new type of virus, called "Bombali", potentially transmissible to humans, can be transformed into a new virus.

In the opinion of the Director General of the National Health Security Agency (ANSS), Dr. Sakoba Keita, " this type of virus of the family philo virus differs from the virus Ebola that hit Guinea. Bats were known to be natural reservoirs of virus production and guarding, but no investigation had shown that there were reservoirs in West Africa, so this is the first time that detects in a wildlife animal a virus in the subregion. It must be emphasized that for the moment it is not established that this new type of virus has the power to cause disease in humans .

Dr. Sakoba states that " There is no reason to worry " and makes recommendations:" Continue to follow good hygiene practices, wash your hands before eating, observe sanitary barriers, eat hot food, washing fruit before drinking it with water and chlorine . "

This outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever began in December 2013 in southern Guinea before spreading to Liberia. and in Sierra Leone had killed more than 11,300 people out of nearly 29,000 registered cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)

in Guinea, the program for preventing the transmission of Ebola virus disease and strengthening services for Ebola healers was closed Thursday, July 25.

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