No to closing the racecourse I PARIS TURF


Scoop Dyga Credit

Scoop Dyga Credit

Press release received this Wednesday morning from Maisons-Laffitte Municipal Council.

On the proposal of Mayor Jacques Myard, the Municipal Council adopted Tuesday night the motion below:

Considering that France Galop, owner of the racecourse, according to information gathered from credible sources, is preparing to close the Maisons-Laffitte racecourse,

Whereas at no time did France Galop inform the city of its intentions,

Considering that no impact study has been carried out on the economic consequences, on all the activities of the city and particularly on employment,

Considering that this decision is likely to cause a great prejudice to the Town of Maisons-Laffitte, to its identity and its economy,

Considering that this decision, if confirmed, is likely to weaken the training center and may jeopardize many companies related to the sector: coaches, veterinarians, farriers, racing staff, straw merchants and others ,

Considering that very many supports reach in Town hall of all France,

Considering that the President of the Region, Valérie Pécresse, that the President of the Department of Yvelines, Pierre Bédier, support the Town of Maisons-Laffitte,

Regretting that the multiple offers made for years to France Galop to conclude a convention of promotion and support of the Maisons-Laffitte site have unfortunately remained unanswered,

Strongly opposes this decision, which is not likely to boost the horse industry as a whole,

Mandate the Mayor to continue all actions with the public authorities and France Galop so that this disastrous decision is suspended and definitively abandoned and that the equestrian site of Maisons-Laffitte in its totality is preserved.

Confirms the proposals made to France Galop to implement a plan to promote and revive the entire Maisons-Laffitte equestrian site.

Sign the petition posted on the website of the city:
http: // https: // pageid = 81?

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