Non-payment of the sum due to Epes: Students of the private demonstration


The air on Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop was suffocating yesterday because of the tear gas. The traffic of cars disturbed. And students' stone throwing exposed passersby to the risk of injury. What could have caused this situation? Students in private higher education institutions (Epes) took to the streets "to continue their fight over the payment of the amount due to their various institutes", which forces them to stay at home. "We organized this activity today (yesterday), which is a continuation of our struggle because the state did not pay the amount it owes to private universities," said Zakaria Niass, whose commitment and determination are translated by the firm expression of the face. The spokesman for the National Unitary Framework for University-Oriented Students explains: "We have deployed all the diplomatic strategies that can address this situation. We met with all the competent authorities, such as the director of private higher education, who put us in touch with the Minister of Higher Education, Marie Teuw Niane, with whom we discussed on three occasions the regulation of this question. And until then we have not won. "In addition, the unitary framework also" met the mediator of the Republic, Mr. Aliou Badara Cisse, and Monsignor Benjamin Ndiaye, Archbishop of Dakar, "reported the spokesperson for students oriented in Epes. Who has, moreover, denounced "the divergence between Amadou Ba and Marie Teuw Niane concerning the sum due to Epes". "If there is a difference between them on the amount, it means that they have failed because, there must be acts of complementarity between them. And we do not go into these details. Let them settle the situation so that we go back to the rooms. Otherwise we will continue our demonstrations because we only have two houses: the classroom and the street. If we are not in one, we are in the other, "hammered Zakaria Niass firmly.

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