Obi Mikel's father makes troubling revelations about his son


Nigeria playmaker and captain John Obi Mikel revealed just after the elimination of the Super Eagles from the World Cup that his father had been kidnapped on the eve of the decisive game that brought the Super Eagles and Argentina, last week

"I did not know what to do but I could not drop 180 million Nigerians. I had to hide that and represent my country. I did not want it to be a problem for the group, the coach because it was such an important match for everyone, "he said.

Libéré, Chief Obi Mikel Sr (74) delivered an exclusive interview with DailyTrust where he made disturbing revelations about the former Chelsea player

"When I noticed they were serious, I told them I could give them $ 5 million. We agreed on this sum, but then refused, insisting on 50 million naira. I finally fixed it at 10 million naira " he said.

" Two days later, they took out my phone to call my son Tony, and I told him this that was happening, and I asked him to go to my bank. But when they went there, the manager was not sitting, so my other son, Ebele, who is the keeper of Heartlands of Owerri, contacted Mikel. This is how the ransom was made available " he added.

Asked about his relationship with his son, a Blues player, father John Obi replied: " C ' is a problem, but we do not know what to do. It's been over five years now that he has not phoned me. But he communicates with his mother. There is nothing I did not do to fix it. God told me that I should not feel hurt. When we start talking about it, I say, 'Well, as long as I see it on TV, it's fine, no problem'.

"At the last World Cup, one or two days before one of their matches, we talked. He called his mother, and she told me that Nchekwube (Mikel) was on the phone and I told her that God would see him through. I prayed for him. That's all. When he joined Chelsea for the first time, my people in Anambra were very happy that God blessed their son, and when he came to Abuja, they were very well prepared with the hope that he would come to our hometown . They even made magazines. It was big. But he did not come. It was a shameful thing for me, as a father. He once told his brother that sometimes he chooses his phone to call me, but something tells him not to do it. " he concluded.

See also >> SHOCK: John Obi Mikel's father was kidnapped before the Nigeria-Argentina match!

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