"Ongoing negotiations could succeed"


After the failure of negotiations between RAM and AMPL, made public by President Addou, the day of July 18 was marked by disruption of flights. Médias24 learns from a reliable source that bipartite discussions have not been broken and could lead to an agreement.

If the Moroccan Association of Airline Pilots (AMPL) refutes the term strike and prefers not to communicate what we must call a protest movement, we learn, from the side of the RAM, that "some flight cancellations and especially many delays "were recorded Wednesday, July 18.

Despite our insistence, it was impossible to know the impacted flights (number of cancellations and delays, destinations) but according to an unofficial source, it is very likely that African or domestic destinations (with less frequentation) have paid for the "demobilization" of some AMPL pilots.

Strike or not, in fact, it's good the requirement for the latter to have a period of 3 hours (instead of one) to organize the replacement of their sick or unavailable colleague who was at the origin of the disturbances of yesterday in the flight programs

According to an authorized source of the carrier, despite the tense atmosphere between the parties, an agreement is being negotiated before finalization to ensure and restore the fluidity of air traffic.

"I confirm that there is had some cancellations of flights and especially a lot of delays but we organize ourselves to prevent them from happening again ", reveals our interlocutor without more details.

Asked about the stumbling block of the negotiations between the direction of the RAM and that of the AMPL, our source refused to reveal the content of the discussions in progress.

"We are still negotiating but it will first be necessary to finalize the discussions before seeing what will be the follow-up to be given to their grievances ", temporizes our source.

Beyond the arm-wrestling which opposes them, it appears therefore, between the lines, that the dialogue is not broken and that the negotiations could ra

In the opposite case, it will undoubtedly be necessary to expect new disturbances in this summer period of strong air flows where the company realizes a good part of its turnover. ! function (f, b, e, g, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod n.callMethod.apply (n arguments)? : n.queue.push (arguments)};
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