Online retail is growing by 20% a year


The Central Institute of Economic Management organized, on Wednesday, November 28 in Hanoi, a symposium on the development of electronic commerce in Vietnam in the new context.

>> Vietnam, a potential market for digitization and e-commerce
>> E-commerce in Vietnam could reach $ 10 billion

An online sales site.

Photo: Nguyên Tùng / CVN

According to a report by the Department of Electronic Commerce and Digital Economy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the online retail market has grown more than 20 percent per year. In 2017, Vietnam's retail trade was worth $ 6.2 billion. The average expense was $ 186 per person per year. E-commerce sales accounted for about 3.6% of total retail and consumer sales for the country as a whole.

According to forecasts, in 2020, Vietnam's e-commerce market will be estimated at $ 10 billion and spending per capita at $ 350 per year for online purchases.


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